How Many Inches Is A Large Pizza

How Many Inches Is A Large Pizza? – 2024

As anyone who’s ever ordered pizza knows, one of the most important questions to consider is size. You can’t order for a group without knowing how big the pizza should be—and this applies not just to pizzas but any kind of large food purchase. So exactly how many inches is a large pizza? We’ll be looking at that in this blog post and providing you with some answers so that your next takeout meal makes everyone happy!

Pizza Sizes: A Breakdown


Pizza Sizes A Breakdown
Pizza Sizes A Breakdown

When it comes to ordering pizza, understanding the different sizes available can be important in ensuring you order enough to satisfy your hunger. Pizzas come in a range of sizes, from small individual pizzas to extra-large ones that can feed a whole group. In this section, we’ll break down the different pizza sizes and provide an overview of their dimensions.

Small Pizzas

Small pizzas are typically considered to be individual-sized, with a diameter of around 8 to 10 inches. These are great for a single person or a light snack, and they are often offered as a lunch special in some pizzerias.

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Medium Pizzas

Medium pizzas are slightly larger, with a diameter of around 12 inches. These can usually feed two to three people, making them a popular option for couples or small groups.

Large Pizzas

Large pizzas are the most popular size for many pizzerias, with a diameter of around 14 to 16 inches. These pizzas can feed four to six people, depending on the appetite of the diners.

Extra-Large Pizzas

Extra-large pizzas are the largest pizzas available, with a diameter of around 18 to 20 inches. These pizzas are perfect for larger groups or parties and can feed up to eight or more people.

It’s worth noting that not all pizzerias offer the same pizza sizes. Some may have slightly smaller or larger dimensions, so it’s always a good idea to check the menu or ask the staff to ensure you’re getting the size you need.

In addition to the standard sizes, some pizzerias also offer unique sizes, such as small or mini pizzas for children, or jumbo-sized pizzas for those with a particularly large appetite. These sizes may vary in dimensions, so it’s important to check with the pizzeria before ordering.

Understanding the different pizza sizes can help you make an informed decision when ordering pizza. Whether you’re feeding a small group or a large party, there’s a size that’s perfect for your needs.

The Size of a Large Pizza

Definition of a Large Pizza

A large pizza is typically defined as a pizza with a diameter of 14 to 16 inches. However, the exact dimensions can vary between different pizzerias and regions.

Common Dimensions of a Large Pizza

In general, a large pizza will have a diameter of around 14 to 16 inches, and an area of approximately 154 to 201 square inches. This is enough to feed four to six people, depending on their appetite. The thickness of the crust can also vary, with thin-crust pizzas being thinner than deep-dish pizzas.

Variations in Size Between Different Pizza Chains

It’s worth noting that the dimensions of a large pizza can vary between different pizza chains. For example, some chains may offer a slightly smaller or larger large pizza than others. Additionally, some pizzerias may offer an extra-large pizza that is larger than the standard 16-inch large pizza.

The size of a large pizza can also vary between regions. For example, in New York City, a large pizza is typically 18 inches in diameter, while in Chicago, a large deep-dish pizza can be as small as 12 inches in diameter.

How Many Inches Is A Large Pizza?

A large pizza typically measures 14 inches in diameter, which is equivalent to about 177 square inches of pizza. This measurement allows for a generously-portioned individual slice with an average thickness of about 1/4 inch. The size can slightly vary depending on where you are ordering from, so it’s important to confirm the size before placing your order if that is what you’re looking for.

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When buying a large pizza, many toppings and extra cheese options are available to choose from when constructing your custom masterpiece – perfect for any special occasion or lazy night in! It is also a great option when feeding larger groups as one large pie usually yields 8-10 slices (depending on how hungry everyone is!).

For comparison sake, medium pizzas usually measure 12” in diameter and contain around 113 square inches while small pizzas will generally be 10” in diameter and have a surface area of roughly 78 square inches. Keep these sizes handy while comparing prices against different offerings at different pizzerias – you may find greater bang for your buck with those 14″ pies! In the end, whether it’s the traditional pepperoni & mushroom combo or something more exotic – no matter what kind of combination tickles your taste buds – just make sure you know exactly how much pizza fits into that large size first!

Factors That Affect the Size of a Large Pizza

Factors That Affect the Size of a Large Pizza
Factors That Affect the Size of a Large Pizza

The size of a large pizza can vary between pizzerias and even between different pizzas from the same pizzeria. There are several factors that can affect the size of a large pizza, including:

Dough Stretching Techniques

The way the pizza dough is stretched can affect the final size of the pizza. Some pizzerias stretch the dough by hand, while others use a machine. Hand-stretched dough may result in a more irregularly shaped pizza, while machine-stretched dough can result in a more uniform shape.

Toppings and Weight

The toppings added to a pizza can also affect its size. Heavier toppings such as meats and vegetables can weigh down the pizza and make it smaller than a plain cheese pizza. Pizzerias may adjust the size of the pizza to accommodate for the added weight of the toppings.

Cooking Method and Temperature

The cooking method and temperature can also affect the size of a large pizza. Pizzas cooked in a wood-fired oven may come out slightly larger than those cooked in a conventional oven. The temperature of the oven can also affect the final size of the pizza, with higher temperatures resulting in a slightly smaller pizza.

Variations Between Pizza Chains

Different pizza chains may have their own unique techniques and processes that affect the size of their pizzas. For example, one chain may use a thicker crust, resulting in a smaller pizza size, while another chain may use a thinner crust, resulting in a larger pizza size.

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Custom Orders

Finally, custom orders can also affect the size of a large pizza. For example, if you ask for extra cheese, the pizzeria may need to make the pizza slightly smaller to accommodate the added weight.

There are several factors that can affect the size of a large pizza. While the standard size is typically 14 to 16 inches in diameter, the exact dimensions can vary between pizzerias and even between different pizzas from the same pizzeria. By understanding the factors that affect pizza size, you can make an informed decision when ordering pizza and ensure that you get the right size for your needs.

How to Determine the Right Size for Your Needs

When ordering pizza, it’s important to consider the size of the pizza to ensure that everyone is satisfied and that there are no leftovers going to waste. Here are some factors to consider when determining the right size for your needs:

Number of People Being Served

The number of people being served is one of the most important factors to consider when determining the right size for your pizza. If you’re serving a small group of two to three people, a medium pizza may be sufficient. For a larger group of four to six people, a large pizza may be necessary.

Appetite of the Eaters

The appetite of the eaters is another factor to consider when ordering pizza. If you’re serving a group of big eaters, you may want to order a larger pizza to ensure that everyone is satisfied. On the other hand, if you’re serving a group of light eaters, a smaller pizza may be sufficient.

Type of Occasion

The type of occasion can also affect the size of the pizza you order. For a casual night in with friends, a medium or large pizza may be appropriate. However, for a party or large gathering, you may want to order an extra-large pizza or multiple large pizzas to ensure that there’s enough food for everyone.

Desired Leftovers

If you want leftovers, you may want to order a larger pizza than you think you need. Leftovers can be great for a quick lunch or dinner the next day.


Finally, budget is another factor to consider when determining the right size for your needs. Larger pizzas are generally more expensive than smaller pizzas, so you’ll want to consider your budget when making your decision.

Overall, determining the right size for your pizza requires consideration of several factors. By considering the number of people being served, the appetite of the eaters, the type of occasion, desired leftovers, and budget, you can make an informed decision when ordering pizza and ensure that everyone is satisfied.

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Measurement of a Large Pizza

A large pizza typically measures between 14 and 16 inches in diameter. However, it’s important to note that the exact dimensions can vary between pizzerias and even between different pizzas from the same pizzeria, as we discussed earlier in this article. When determining the size of a pizza, it’s important to measure the diameter from one edge of the crust to the opposite edge. This will give you an accurate measurement of the pizza size, which can be useful when determining the right size for your needs.

Whether you’re ordering pizza for a small group or a large gathering, understanding the size of a large pizza and the factors that affect its size can help ensure that everyone is satisfied and that there are no leftovers going to waste.

Cost of a Large Pizza

The cost of a large pizza can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the location of the pizzeria, the ingredients used, and any specials or promotions that may be offered. In general, a large pizza can cost anywhere from $10 to $20, but prices can go higher for specialty pizzas with premium ingredients or for pizzas from upscale pizzerias. Additionally, delivery fees and tips for the delivery driver may also affect the total cost of the pizza.

When ordering a large pizza, it’s important to check the menu and consider any additional costs to ensure that you’re getting a good value for your money. Some pizzerias may offer discounts for large orders or for online orders, so it’s always a good idea to check for any available promotions before placing your order. By considering the cost and value of a large pizza, you can make an informed decision and enjoy a delicious meal without breaking the bank.

Varieties of Large Pizzas

There are many varieties of large pizzas available, ranging from classic cheese and pepperoni to more unique and exotic toppings. Some popular types of large pizzas include:

  1. Margherita: A classic Italian pizza made with fresh tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and fresh basil.
  2. Pepperoni: A classic American pizza made with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and slices of spicy pepperoni.
  3. Hawaiian: A controversial pizza topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, ham, and pineapple.
  4. Meat lovers: A pizza topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and a variety of meat toppings such as sausage, pepperoni, bacon, and ground beef.
  5. Veggie: A pizza topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and a variety of vegetables such as mushrooms, onions, peppers, and olives.
  6. BBQ chicken: A pizza topped with tangy BBQ sauce, mozzarella cheese, and grilled chicken.
  7. Buffalo chicken: A pizza topped with spicy buffalo sauce, mozzarella cheese, and crispy chicken.
  8. White pizza: A pizza without tomato sauce, instead made with a blend of ricotta and mozzarella cheeses, garlic, and olive oil.
  9. Pesto pizza: A pizza topped with basil pesto sauce, mozzarella cheese, and a variety of vegetables such as roasted red peppers and artichokes.
  10. Supreme: A pizza with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and a variety of toppings including sausage, pepperoni, onions, peppers, and mushrooms.
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These are just a few examples of the many varieties of large pizzas available. Some pizzerias may also offer customizable pizzas where customers can choose their own toppings. Whether you prefer classic flavors or more unique combinations, there’s a large pizza out there to satisfy any craving.

Number of Slices in a Large Pizza

Number of Slices in a Large Pizza
Number of Slices in a Large Pizza

The number of slices in a large pizza can vary depending on the size of the pizza and how it’s cut. In general, a large pizza is typically cut into eight slices. However, some pizzerias may cut their large pizzas into ten slices for a smaller portion size, or into six slices for a larger portion size.

It’s also important to note that the thickness of the pizza crust can affect the number of slices. Thicker crusts may result in fewer slices, while thinner crusts may result in more slices. Additionally, if the pizza is topped with a lot of ingredients, it may be more difficult to cut evenly into slices, resulting in varying slice sizes.

If you’re ordering a large pizza for a group, it’s important to consider the number of slices and how many people you need to feed. If you’re ordering from a new pizzeria or are unsure about the size of the slices, you can always ask the pizzeria for more information or to cut the pizza into a specific number of slices to meet your needs. By understanding the number of slices in a large pizza, you can ensure that everyone gets a fair share and that there are no arguments over who gets the last slice.

Conclusion: Large Pizza

How Many Inches Is A Large Pizza? The answer may surprise you. It’s not as simple as just looking at the size of the pizza box. When it comes to large pizzas, there is more than one way to measure their size. Depending on the region or even the restaurant, a large pizza could be anywhere from 12 to 16 inches in diameter. So when you’re ordering your next pizza, be sure to ask how big “large” really is. You don’t want to end up disappointed with a small pie!

FAQs about How Many Inches Is A Large Pizza

What is the standard size of a large pizza?

The standard size of a large pizza is typically 14 inches in diameter. However, the size can vary depending on the pizzeria or location.

Can a large pizza be bigger than 14 inches?

Yes, some pizzerias may offer large pizzas that are slightly larger than the standard 14 inches, such as 16 or 18 inches in diameter.

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How does the size of a large pizza compare to a medium pizza?

A medium pizza is typically 12 inches in diameter, so a large pizza is generally two inches larger in diameter.

What about the size of a large pizza compared to a small pizza?

A small pizza is usually 10 inches in diameter, so a large pizza is typically four inches larger in diameter.

Are large pizzas always round?

No, some pizzerias may offer large pizzas in different shapes, such as square or rectangular.

Can the size of a large pizza vary depending on the type of crust?

Yes, the size of a large pizza can vary depending on the thickness of the crust. For example, a deep-dish pizza may be smaller in diameter than a thin-crust pizza.

How many slices are in a large pizza?

A large pizza is typically cut into eight slices, but the number of slices can vary depending on the size of the pizza and how it’s cut.

Can a large pizza be cut into more slices?

Yes, some pizzerias may cut their large pizzas into ten slices for a smaller portion size, or into six slices for a larger portion size.

What if a large pizza has a lot of toppings?

If a large pizza is topped with a lot of ingredients, it may be more difficult to cut evenly into slices, resulting in varying slice sizes.

How many people can a large pizza feed?

A large pizza can typically feed four to six people, depending on the appetites of the individuals and the size of the slices.

How does the size of a large pizza compare to other foods?

The size of a large pizza is comparable to a large pie or cake, but smaller than a full-sized turkey or roast.

Can a large pizza be ordered for delivery?

Yes, many pizzerias offer delivery of large pizzas, but it’s important to check the delivery radius and any minimum order requirements.

Is the price of a large pizza based on its size?

The price of a large pizza can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the location of the pizzeria, the ingredients used, and any specials or promotions that may be offered.

Can a large pizza be customized with different toppings?

Yes, many pizzerias offer customizable large pizzas where customers can choose their own toppings.

How do I know if a large pizza is the right size for me?

The size of a large pizza can vary depending on your appetite and the number of people you’re feeding. It’s important to consider the number of slices and any additional factors, such as the thickness of the crust or the amount of toppings, to determine the right size for your needs.


Albertowp Ferguson

Albertowp Ferguson

Hello, my name is Albertowp Ferguson and I am the founder of CrystalGood. We are a website that provides cooking tips, buying guides for kitchen appliances, and general information about all things culinary.

I have always loved to cook and spend time in the kitchen. After years of working in corporate America, I decided to pursue my passion and start CrystalGood. I hope that our site can help people learn more about cooking and make their time in the kitchen a little easier.

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